Janet the Yenta

Meet Janet Fummel, the Yenta. She’s the perfect match-maker, because even though she no longer believes in love--not since her parents split up--she can get paid for hooking up others. But when she meets Wes Sebastian she starts to rethink things. Can Wes make her believe in love again?

Don't get any funny ideas!

©2013 Glory Lennon All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 4, 2011

Chapter 51: Dinner at the Picadillo

“Come on, Wes. Turn the frown upside down,” Jasmine said coming out of his car. “You might not believe this, but you’re doing great… really.” 

Wes glared at her. “Janet doesn’t even want to ride in the same car with me and I’m doing great?” he growled.

“Yes, at least she’s not chewing you out at every turn,” she replied.  “You just gotta give her time.” 

“How much time?” Wes asked, locking the car and pocketing his keys.

“Only Janet knows that,” Jasmine said. “Just be polite and don’t get sarcastic or nasty no matter what she says. She’ll behave tonight cuz we’re here for Mom, so you won’t have too much to deal with.”