Wes stood up, grabbed Janet’s hand and frowned at his
father. “Dad, you…uh... staying here long?”
“I don’t know. I’ll leave whenever Wendy kicks
me out, I guess,” he replied, laughing when she playfully punched him.
“You can camp out on the couch for all I care,” she
“Wow, a sleep over. Cool!” Donny said.
“I should be back around nine, I hope, but it depends
what they did to the computer,” Wes said, not at all happy with what he
considered inappropriate banter.
“Well, I may see you then. Drive careful,” Donny
said, then he turned back to talk to Wendy, completely ignoring them. "Hey, have you called your sister yet?"
"Oh, thanks for reminding me!" Wendy said.
Reluctantly Wes and Janet said their goodbyes, left the
dinner table and went out into the foyer. Jasmine followed them with Troy close
behind her.