Janet the Yenta

Meet Janet Fummel, the Yenta. She’s the perfect match-maker, because even though she no longer believes in love--not since her parents split up--she can get paid for hooking up others. But when she meets Wes Sebastian she starts to rethink things. Can Wes make her believe in love again?

Don't get any funny ideas!

©2013 Glory Lennon All Rights Reserved

Friday, July 22, 2011

Chapter 36: Not in love

“Ah, young love,” Wendy said coming up the porch steps.

Wes and Janet broke apart and gaped at her, both panting.

“Can’t catch a break today, can we?” Janet muttered irritably, slipping off his lap and wondering how she got on there at all.

“Um, hello, Ms. Meadows. How are you tonight?” Wes said, a sheepish grin on his face.

“Oh, I’m fine, better than you anyway. I hear you met Janet’s father,” she said, shaking her head in mock disapproval. “Tsk-tsk-tsk.”