Janet the Yenta

Meet Janet Fummel, the Yenta. She’s the perfect match-maker, because even though she no longer believes in love--not since her parents split up--she can get paid for hooking up others. But when she meets Wes Sebastian she starts to rethink things. Can Wes make her believe in love again?

Don't get any funny ideas!

©2013 Glory Lennon All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 11, 2011

Chapter 52: Doing great


“Janet, are you all right?” Donny asked.

“Yes, yes, fine,” she lied, setting her napkin on her lap. “It’s so pretty here.”

“It is. Mr. Frank takes great pride in…” Wes said, but Janet cut him off.

“Mr. Sebastian, tell me what you do for fun. We should do something crazy next weekend like bowling,” she said.

“Since when is bowling something crazy?” Troy asked.

“If you’d ever seen me with a bowling ball, you’d understand. I’m dangerous!”

Donny laughed.

“I guess there’s good reason to stay away from you then,” Troy retorted.

“Smart of you, Troy,” she said smiling at him.

Surprised, Troy stared at her, then turned to Jasmine. “She actually smiled at me,” he whispered to her. 


“She never smiles at me. She usually insults me,” he said. “It’s just weird.”