Janet the Yenta

Meet Janet Fummel, the Yenta. She’s the perfect match-maker, because even though she no longer believes in love--not since her parents split up--she can get paid for hooking up others. But when she meets Wes Sebastian she starts to rethink things. Can Wes make her believe in love again?

Don't get any funny ideas!

©2013 Glory Lennon All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 9, 2011

Chapter 43: Ticked off Yenta

“Where have you been? Church has been over for hours. No one’s that religious,” Troy said as he opened the door for Janet, Wes and Cindy who dripped water on the tiled floor. The torrential downpour had soaked them before they could reach the sanctuary of the porch.  

“When did it start raining?” Troy asked, looking out past them to the puddling rain on the front lawn. 

“Just a minute ago and we were at a party, if you must know,” Wes answered.