Janet the Yenta

Meet Janet Fummel, the Yenta. She’s the perfect match-maker, because even though she no longer believes in love--not since her parents split up--she can get paid for hooking up others. But when she meets Wes Sebastian she starts to rethink things. Can Wes make her believe in love again?

Don't get any funny ideas!

©2013 Glory Lennon All Rights Reserved

Friday, July 1, 2011

Chapter 33: Cold and hot

Janet promptly plucked her business cards out of both Alana and Luke’s hands, startling them.

“You obviously don’t need my services,” she said happily. 

“No, we don’t,” Luke agreed, taking Alana's hand and winking at her.

“I can spot true love a mile away, you know,” Janet said.

“Can you really?” Wes asked, smirking.

“That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!” she replied.

The line moved up and Luke placed a huge order.

“Guess he likes ice cream,” Janet mumbled to Alana, who giggled.

“Our friends are waiting outside,” Alana said, then she whispered, “They send Luke in to get the ice cream cuz the girls here always give him toppings for free.”

“Wow, how cool is that! We should get him to order our stuff, too,” Janet said, giggling.

“Luke, we hear you’re giving a show. Could we still get tickets?” Wes asked.

“Gotta talk to Billy about that. He takes care of everything, so I can concentrate on the music which is fine with me. I'm having a hard enough time finding decent back up singers. Billy's been very helpful. He's the best agent I ever had,” Luke said laughing.

“And the only one,” Alana said.

"Oh, man! I always wanted to be a backup singer. Come on, Alana, you and me, let's audition for Luke. You're a shoe-in. He already likes the way you sing," Janet said, all excited.

Alana shook her head violently and blushed scarlet.

"She really is adorable," Janet said, giggling.

“Will we see you at Rebecca and Danny’s party? Billy always pulls out the karaoke machine. You can sing for us then,” Luke asked.

"Love Karaoke! I'm so there," Janet said.

“Oh, yeah, we’ll be…wait…Danny who?” Wes said.

“Marlin, Joanne’s brother. You remember him, don’t you?” Luke said.

Wes gaped at him. “Rebecca is engaged to Danny Marlin? But Danny’s such a … womanizer,” Wes said anxiously.

“He’s…changed,” Luke said, although not thoroughly convincing.

“They’re in love,” Alana interjected softly, as the counter girl handed Luke a tray with several sundaes.

“Well, it was great seeing you, Wes, and nice meeting you, Janet,” Luke said, handing two banana splits to Alana while he grabbed the others. 

“Okay. We’ll see you at the party,” Wes said, a slight crease between his brows. He turned to place their order, but soon realized Janet had done it for him. 

“It was super nice meeting you, Alana and you too, Luke,” Janet said. She waved as they went out the door.

“So, are you totally in love with him?” Wes asked.

“Oh, I like them a lot!” Janet said.

“I mean Luke. Are you dazzled by his good looks?” he said, his jaw clenching involuntarily.

There was something funny in his voice that made her look at him curiously. “He seems nice enough. I like him much more than I thought I would though. I thought he’d be all stuck up and stuff and have an airhead girlfriend straight out of a reality show," Janet said making a face. "I really liked Alana. She’s real, you know? But I’ve never seen anybody so shy! I don't see why you didn't go out with her. She's so cute, but it turned out okay for her, didn't it? She now has Luke and anyone can tell he's crazy about her. It's so nice to see.”

Wes stared at her with something like shock on his face.

“What?” she said, but at that moment the ice cream was ready. Wes paid and they each took two back to the table. “Here ya go, Cindy, and this one’s mine.”  
Janet looked up at Wes, moved over on the seat smiling. “There’s room here for you, silly boy.”

Wes sat down next to her still holding the ice cream sundaes in his hands. He continued to stare at her as if she were from another planet.

“One of those for me or are you extra hungry, Wesley?” Donny asked.

“Huh? Oh, sorry, Dad.” he said sheepishly. He pushed one of the sundaes towards his dad.

“Was that Luke you were talking to?” Cindy asked excitedly. 

“Yeah, and his girlfriend, Alana. She’s really nice,” Janet said digging her spoon into the hot fudge and then bringing it to her mouth. She closed her eyes, sighed and said, “Good stuff!”

“It is good. Don’t remember the last time we had sundaes,” Donny said.

“He’s beautiful, isn’t he?” Cindy said.

Janet looked up, her eyes wide. “Who?” she said.

“Luke, of course!”

“Oh, he’s okay,” Janet said.

“Okay?” Cindy said, disbelieving. “He’s gorgeous!”

Janet rolled her eyes. “He’s not all that, Cindy. Okay, he's cute but...” she said looking at Wes. “Not as cute as some guys I know, anyway.”

Before she knew what happened Wes was kissing her passionately.

“Wesley! Control yourself,” Donny said sternly.

“Sorry, Dad, but you have no idea how I feel about this girl,” Wes replied, breathlessly.

“I’m starting to understand, but you know I don’t approve of public displays of affection, so let go of the poor girl and eat your ice cream. It’s melting,” Donny said.

“So, am I,” Janet mumbled, turning numbly back to her ice cream. She didn’t have the faintest desire to eat the rest of it. It couldn’t possibly compare to that kiss.
                                                                        * * * * *
“It’s been a long day, huh? You must be thoroughly sick of me by now,” Janet said, a wistful note in her voice. She couldn’t understand it. She actually didn’t want to go home. Or rather, she didn’t want to leave Wes.

Wes reluctantly drove her home after dropping off his father and sister at his house.  He purposely went slower than the speed limit just to prolong the trip. It had been the best day of his life, but long? No, it could never be long enough for him if it meant being with Janet. 

“It was a great day for me. Maybe too boring for you though. Tagging along behind me to all those jobs couldn’t have been fun,” he said, apology in his voice.

“It was fine. I learned a lot,” she said. 

“I still can’t believe you cooked for us and got my dad to take us to a movie. You are something else, Janet,” he said in awe.

“Just doing my job,” she replied, forcing a smile.

“I didn’t know a yenta’s job called for all that, too,” he said chuckling.

“It’s all part of the scheme. You’ll see,” she said.

“Well, I can never thank you enough,” he said, slowing down even more as he turned onto her street.

“Don’t be silly, Wes. You made an awesome website for me. We’re not even close to being even yet. Maybe after I get a girlfriend for your dad and…and one for you,” she said quietly.

“I don’t need one, remember? Just concentrate on my dad, okay? You get him a girlfriend and make him happy. That’s all I need from you,” he said as he pulled up in front of her house, shut off the car and turned in his seat to face her. 

He reached out and stroked her cheek ever so softly with his fingertips. “You’re not just a yenta, Janet. You’re a miracle worker.”

She felt tingles spread throughout her body at his touch.  “I really didn’t do much, Wes,” she said so quietly he could barely hear.

“No, you didn’t do anything at all,” he said, leaning toward her, putting his arms around her and pulling her as close as the middle console would allow. At first he just held her, breathing in her lovely scent. There was so much he wanted to tell her, but he simply couldn’t find the words.

He kissed her cheek and trailed kisses down to her chin and finally to her neck. He buried his fingers in her long soft hair. He couldn’t get enough of her. He couldn't get close enough.

“Wes,” she whispered. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing,” he replied, pulling her closer.

“You do... nothing... really... well,” she said, breathing heavy.

“It’s so easy with you, Janet,” he said, before kissing her.

Janet was floating again and this time Wes came along with her.

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